A Guide to Different Types of Website Structures Adobe XD Ideas

From JavaScript to Python to PHP, Treehouse can teach you all you need to know about web development. Between tutorials, ebooks, and videos, TutorialsPoint provides a host of learn-to-code options. But not so fast — there are still a handful of things you’ll need to check before an official launch. These services help you purchase a domain name and register with ICANN .

Understanding a website structure

After the launch, you can monitor user behavior with various tools. Making your site easier to navigate, don’t forget about search crawlers. Sitemaps help them keep track of all pages that appear on your website and index them faster. Search engines can also use the sitemap as a reference when determining canonical URLs.

One of the best ways to ensure that the user experience of your website is top-notch is by creating a website that functions perfectly. Well, a website that has no issues whatsoever is probably impossible to create, but you can try to make your site as good as possible. When you want to establish simple navigation, you need to consider the elements connecting your pages to improve UX. Once you have classified everything accordingly, you’re ready for the next step, which is creating a well-defined URL structure. Pranoy Sundar is Digital Marketer in Global Media Insight a web design company based in Dubai. He is passionate about everything to do with digital marketing – from designing websites, creating content to online advertisements and SEO.

Desktop Development

Let’s take the help of organizational structure examples to understand the working of the OS more comprehensively. If category pages don’t include direct links to all products in a category, Googlebot might not find all of your products by crawling alone. These products may be reachable from a search box, but not via category browsing. Googlebot generally doesn’t try to submit searches into a search box as part of crawling a site.

Understanding a website structure

Back-end web developers work on the servers of websites, programs, and software to make sure everything works properly behind-the-scenes. Given the rapidly-increasing number of Internet users, it’s no surprise that web development is a rapidly expanding industry. Between now and 2030, the employment of web developers is expected to grow by 13%, much faster than most other technology careers. Keep reading to dive into website development or use the chapter links to jump around the guide. — This element sets the character set your document should use to UTF-8 which includes most characters from the vast majority of written languages. Essentially, it can now handle any textual content you might put on it.

Hierarchical model

Let’s assume you have narrowed down to five sections of the taxonomy. The next step is to do keyword research for each part of the taxonomy. You can do this manually or use automated tools to come up with a list of potential keywords.

  • Developers will use different coding languages for the front-end and back-end of websites, as well as for different functionalities of the site .
  • While you can access a website using its IP address, most Internet users prefer to use domain names or by going through search engines.
  • This article will explain why site structure is important for designers and how designers can create effective site structures.
  • Now, brainstorm all the other content you want to have on your website — write a big list down.
  • A proper website structure helps the site’s visitors find information easily though consistency.
  • The default taxonomies in WordPress are categories and tags.
  • Also, building a website structure is all about improving the user experience.

Let’s discuss the necessary navigational elements that will help you connect your pages and make users feel at ease using your website. Make sure the website is scalable and you will be able to add new categories and subcategories without completely redoing the structure. This is the most popular type of structure that can be applied to a website of any specification.

Importance for SEO

Competitor and target audience analysis is only a part of the preparatory work. The next step is the development of a semantic core and its clustering. The semantic core is a set of search queries based on key phrases that users use on the Internet when searching for a product or service similar to yours. The semantic cluster is a multi-level structure consisting of a group of search queries combined within a meaning. Now that you have identified which keywords work well with your competitors, it’s time to conduct additional research and create a list of them for your website.

Continuing with our example of an e-commerce store example, the women category can have subcategories such as ‘clothes’, ‘shoes’, and ‘handbags’. If your site has some subcategories that are useful for users such as their account information. Apple’s main navigation follows these rules to create a simple but super-useful menu. The database model of a web structure determines the logical structure of a database. There are 7 types in total to illustrate the types of Organizational Stucture. The most suitable hierarchical or functional organization structure for small companies, has as its “owner” the father of the Classical Theory of Admnistration, Henri Fayol.

Cornerstone content pages

Some themes will allow you to have a Footer Menu; if yours does, this is an appropriate place to house your legal pages. There has been a great deal of controversy around the Accelerated Mobile Pages framework. This article provides a complete introduction to AMP—what this technology is, when and how it can be used, and where its alternatives stand.

Understanding a website structure

Great article, Having a structured insights in a blog with high quality keywords will surely increase organic traffic. It is really important for SEO since this is the main avenue where each individuals search for a service or a product being offered. The rule of thumb here is that every page should have a link pointing to it and coming from it. Search crawlers find and index websites by going from one page to another, and they do so by following the links, unless they are told otherwise. Smart internal linking will help crawlers find all the content on your website. After you’ve created your website’s wireframe with all the categories and pages, proceed with a simple and user-friendly URL structure that follows your website hierarchy.

On top of that, you may check out some relevant websites and forums to gather some information to have an extensive keyword selection. When you get every keyword you need, it’s time to filter and eliminate all that is immaterial to your case. Remove all that is not related to your website and categorize the rest you think will work for you, such as search volume, intent, and others.

Breadcrumb trails, tags, and contextual sitelinks are used to structure information architecture on individual pages. Your site’s structure is how the different pages on your site are linked with each other using internal links and their hierarchy. It is how the information on your site is organized and presented so that the algorithm can read its context well. Good website structure facilitates easy navigation for both users and crawlers which improves the SEO ranking of your website in search engines.

Full Stack Development

But if your website has a logical structure, all cluttered sections and pages will be organized, improving user experience and site traffic. They use it to distinguish relevant content from those that are not important. However, a well-designed and well-crafted structure takes time, patience, and effort to complete. If this is new to you, you may use a free website structure diagram generator to help you create a blueprint easily. Or you may continue reading below to learn more about creating a proper website structure. But before that, it’s important to understand the basics of a website structure.

Web Development Communities

The structure of your site directly influences SEO and showcases what your website offers in order of importance. Search engines and their crawlers offer answers to those looking for them and rank results higher in searches because the engines know what’s most relevant to the searchers’ requests. The image below gives an example of a simple linear-style site structure. The choice of which structure to use is, of course, yours and we’re going to give you the facts so you can decide which is ideal for you. At this point, you should have a better idea about how to structure a web page/site. In the last article of this module, we’ll learn how to debug HTML.

A web of the main page and parent pages with sub or child pages. Interlinking between the pages so everything is connected and can be accessed with minimal clicks. We’ve included a heading as a signpost to aid screen reader users in finding it. Sometimes you’ll come across a situation where you can’t find an ideal semantic element to group some items together or wrap some content. Sometimes you might want to just group a set of elements together to affect them all as a single entity with some CSS or JavaScript.

If your website has a lot of services or products to offer, you should design a system of filters and sorting options to help users find what they are looking for. The filters can differ how to plan a website structure depending on the category and should cover all possible product characteristics. Typically, contacts, a search box, a language or region switch are also included in the header.

It allows for a better distribution of content across the web pages according to different topics and queries. Make sure to carry out in-depth research to determine the type of products customers buy from your website. Once sure about those products create titles for taxonomy categories that will help them find those products. If you find most people viewing your website are located in foreign countries, consider including language options visitors to choose from. Equally, it is a good idea to include words in the category of your taxonomy that will help you to connect with these readers. In a nutshell, when your site structure is well optimized for search, both users and search engine bots easily access all related content within one subfolder of the site.

Categories and subcategories web structure best practices

A functional structure is also known as a bureaucratic organizational structure and is commonly found in small to medium-sized businesses. Google tries to find the best content on your site by analyzing the relationship between pages based on their linkages. This means navigation structures on your site can impact Google’s understanding of your site structure. A website normally has a standard size of 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels. That certainly used to be the case, but as so many different sizes of device are now used to look at websites, this standard size really no longer applies. Your theme’s description will indicate what size it is and typically, you’ll have a content area width of 760 pixels and a sidebar width of 300 pixels.

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